Tips for kitchen


1.Scouring stainless steel tools

To keep stainless steel tools clean and shiny, pour a little baby oil on a tissue and scrubbing. Stains, food, fingerprints will disappear. However, this method can only be applied to stainless steel, not for iron, copper...

2. Preserving fruits and vegetables

Rubbing your old newspapers and put it into refrigerator before fruits and vegetables to slow down ripening, wilting, rotting of fruits and vegetables.

3. Deodorizing sewer

To neutralize unpleasant odors from drains in the kitchen, toilet, pour a little baking soda mixed with water to the drain. Wait for 1 hour, and then pour 3-4 drops of vanilla extract to have sweet-smelling kitchen.

4. Refrigerator

Vinegar is one of the best ways to prevent mold. Besides, to make your refrigerator fragrant, please put into a bag of baking soda, charcoal or dried coffee. A piece of cotton soaked vanilla or grapefruit oil has the same effect.

5.Removing ink on hands

Do your children often have ink on hand after writing, drawing? Please apply on their hands a small amount of margarine and wiping with a damp cloth, ink will disappear.

6. Removing gum sticker

To remove gum sticker on clothes, put it into a refrigerator for a few hours.

After that, this gum layer will be dry and you can use nails or spoon to get it out.

7. Wipe dust in TV

The most effective way to clean the dust on the TV using a soft cloth, moistened by fabric softener.

8. Remove blood stains on clothes

Put clothes in cold salted water for a few hours, and then wash it with warm water; your clothes will be clean like new.

9. Stains on collar

To remove stains on white collar, use shampoo. Pour a little shampoo, rinse it by hand and then use washing machine to finish the task.

10. Weeds in garden

To control weeds in the garden, mix salt with boiling water and pour it into weeds to make it impossible to grow.