Cleaning house in the right way to improve quality of life

1 . Fresh air
One of the easiest tips to make your home airy is to open windows whenever it’s possible . Opening windows allows your house to be fresh and helps prevent mold (which is definitely not a good thing for health) . So whenever the weather permits, open the windows to throw out the stagnant air. You also need to ventilate your bathroom frequently, which is always wet.

2 . Be careful with chemicals
Take a look at your kitchen away from chemicals that you have in the house . Finding ways to reduce the presence of these chemicals is very necessary. For example, you can avoid using liquid air freshener by opening the windows instead, or you can make a room spray by adding a few drops of essential oil.

3 . Homemade cleaning products
Many cleaning products are toxic and should be used with caution. Typical examples for this kind are the products which are used to clean the drain and the oven and these products can be very dangerous. The homemade cleaning products would be better for your health and not harm you, your family or pets .

4 . Proper Hygiene
Living in a clean environment is obviously very pleasant and good for health , but do not overdo. To be clean excessively can increase allergies because your body may not be familiar with the disease , so that natural immunity cannot be built . Of course, no one wants to live in a dirty house , but do not get obsessed with the idea of having your homes cleaned regularly with disinfectant .

5 . No smoking
Never smoke in or near your house. Do not allow guests to smoke in your house too.

6 . Wipe the dust
Dust can be a contributing factor to respiratory diseases and allergies . The best way to clean the dust is to use a damp cloth. Wiping with a dry cloth will make the dust fly around and cause coughing. You can move objects before wiping off, and do not forget the books, which are always full of dust!

7 . Cleaning the corners
When cleaning your house, you can easily miss some areas, which make it full of dirty dust and can be very harmful to your health. You need to pull out the chairs and clean both behind and underneath area regularly. And also remember to clean things like light switches, buffer vacuuming to remove dust.

8 . Decorating
When decorating the house, make sure the area is well ventilated, and avoid using the room until the paint or wall paper dry completely. If you are sensitive to the smell of paint, buy odorless paints.